Error while running Qt5.1.0 on suse enterprise linux 11 sp3
I am trying to runnig Qt on SUSE os.I have installed Qt5.1.0 on SUSE and tried to open using ./qtcreator command on console but i am getting following error.
./qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /opt/Qt5.1.0/Tools/QtCreator/bin/plugins/platforms/ undefined symbol: XIQueryVersion
Can any one please help me how to solve this problem???????????
sreeram -
You probably have missing dependencies. Check out the list here: "link": For the prebuilt package, you don't need all of those, but it's probably easier and faster just to install it all ;)
Hi sierdzio,
Thanks for your reply,
After long time again need to install qt on SUSE enterprise linux.I have tried install dependencies which you have mentioned in above link but i am not able to install.
see this following post ,I have posted errors while trying to insall dependencies.
sreeram -
Sorry, but my answer is the same as SGaist gave you. I don't know the packages for SUSE 11. I am using openSUSE 13.1 myself and everything works flawlessly.
My experiences: implement the correct repositories into YaST, and install again. Works fine with SuSE 12.3, too.