MinGW for Qt 4.8.5
You can use the mingw provided with the Qt 5 packages
[quote author="SGaist" date="1384646601"]You can use the mingw provided with the Qt 5 packages[/quote]You can't, actually.
Qt 4.8 is built with MinGW 4.4. It is NOT compatible with MinGW 4.8 (provided with Qt 5.1) or MinGW 4.7 (provided with Qt 5.0). However, users have reported that MinGW 4.6 and MinGW 4.5 work fine.
Someone is kindly hosting MinGW 4.4 at http://nosymbolfound.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/since-until-now-qt-under-windows-is.html
You might also want to have a look at TDM-GCC.
Older version (4.6.x, 4.5.x and even 4.4.x) can be found at:
(I have to use TinyURL, because this forum screws up the URL otherwise)
But I would rather try to re-build Qt 4.8.5 with an up-to-date MinGW 4.8.x.
[quote author="JKSH" date="1384648654"][quote author="SGaist" date="1384646601"]You can use the mingw provided with the Qt 5 packages[/quote]You can't, actually.
[/quote]I might have misunderstood the original question :) I thought about building Qt. It's been a while since I used a precompiled version
Sorry not to precisely explain what I need. I'm not building the libraries, I just need to use them.
This link hepled me, thanks!
@gaminn, all the best with your project!
[quote author="SGaist" date="1384720458"]I might have misunderstood the original question :) I thought about building Qt. It's been a while since I used a precompiled version[/quote]Not an issue; we can easily re-clarify :) (But not everyone on this forum have build-fu black belts)