QListView returns last item not current item
I have an implementation of QAbstractListItem to allow access to a C++ model from a database query, that part is okay, because i can access the model correctly in my QML,
however, i have two QML files, one with a QListView, and one with a form,
from the QListView, when a user selects an item and presses a button, the view changes to the form to allow editing, however, i am employing QSettings to store some variables from the model, this is where my issue is, when using keyboard keys i correctly get the respective listItem attributes, when i press the button, to set QSettings, the attributes of the last item in the QListView are saved... where am i going wrong.this is my code:
the delegate for the listView:
Component {
id: listDelegate
id: scope
x: delegateItem.x; y: delegateItem.y
width: delegateItem.width; height: delegateItem.height
Item {
id: delegateItem
width: listView.width; height: 25
x: 5
clip: true
focus: true
onFocusChanged: {
child_main_picture.width = 189
child_main_picture.height = 219
globalsettings.currentChildThumb = child_main_picture.source = thumb
globalsettings.currentChildID = id
}Row { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter spacing: 5 Column {...} Column {...} Column {...} Column {...} Column {...} Column {...} Column {...} } } } }
the qml for the button to switch views
PushButton {
onClicked: {
globalsettings.creatingChild = false
globalsettings.updatingChild = true
globalsettings.deletingChild = false
if(personal_handler.prefillForUpdate === true){
globalsettings.fireChildShow = true