Qt for 3rd FP2 - any known problems?
so far I did not target the 3rd FP2 devices with Qt. Are there any specific issues or known problems on this 'older' platform I have to be aware in advance or it runs as on S^1 and S^3? The target test phone is Nokia 6720 Classic ( http://www.forum.nokia.com/Devices/Device_specifications/6720_classic/ ).
Thanks for any answer.
STeN -
there is never a perfect software that has 0 bugs. good place to check for known issues and limitations would thus be the release notes and the issue tracker for that software ... hope thats a good starting point for you :)
I have run a few Qt apps on my E90, but haven't extensively tested it -
Hi Sten,
3rd FP2 supports Qt very well. But with resource intensive applications there could be some memory issue. Increasing the Epoc stacks size fixes some.
Also sometimes user does not have enough space left in phone memory to have the Qt binaries installed.
I could not run sis file in S60 Symbian^1 which i created with Qt 4.7.4. What I need to do for that?
I also want to run sis file in the S60 3rd edition handsets.