[Urgent] Install Qt for embedded Linux using Toolchain CodeSourcery 2010.09
Hello everyone,
In our current project , we decided to install the Qt libraries for use on the target, but I can not get it to work properly.
In fact, our board is Wandboard DuoCore with iMX6 Controllers . I installed successfully the Boost libraries , encoded with Boost and run the application on the target without any problems. To do this, I followed the instructions on the official website of Boost ( The cross compiler I used is CodeSourcery 2010.09 ) .After seeing the interest of Qt and especially the possibility of GUI programming, we wanted to install Qt libraries to code applications using Qt with Qt Creator IDE and launch applications on the target ( always using the CodeSourcery cross compiler 2010.09 ) . However, it is not easy to do. I actually followed the instructions of the site Qt: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt-embedded-install.html and http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt-embedded-crosscompiling.html :
1 . export PATH = path / to / cross / compiler : $ PATH
2 . Edit qmake.conf file qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-gnueabi-g + +
TOOLS_BIN = / home/huyoptm/opt/arm-2010.09/binModifications to g+ + . Conf
QMAKE_CC = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -gcc
QMAKE_CXX = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -g + +
QMAKE_LINK = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -g + +
QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -g + +Changes to linux.conf
QMAKE_AR = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -ar cqs
QMAKE_OBJCOPY = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi - objcopy
QMAKE_STRIP = $$ TOOLS_BIN / arm - none -linux- gnueabi -strip
3 . configuration:
Go to qt -everywhere -opensource -src- 4.8.5 and run :
. / configure -embedded arm- xplatform QWS / linux -arm- gnueabi -g + + -little- endian -no- webkit -no- qt3support
4 . Make and make install
In step to generate binary libraries when doing a "make" , it always returns errors that I can not interpret.
Here are the errors in question :../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv5.h : In member function ' bool QMutexPrivate :: wait (int )':
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv5.h : 233:35 : error : output number 1 not Directly addressable
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv5.h : In member function ' void QMutexPrivate :: wakeup ( )':
../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv5.h : 233:35 : error : output number 1 not Directly addressable
make [1 ] : *** [ .obj / release -shared- emb -arm / qmutex_unix.o ] Error 1
make [1 ] : Leaving directory `/ home/huyoptm/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5/src/corelib '
make: *** [sub - corelib - make_default -ordered ] Error 2Thanks for your help, it's urgent