Adding Columns to a QSqlProxyModel
Hi All,
I've searched through several articles on how to add extra columns to a QSqlProxyModel, but none of them do a good job explaining how this could be done ( or done cleanly ).
Here's my question:
I have a simple QSqlModelProxy that has 4 columns. I want to generate a 5 column on the fly that is function of columns 2 and 3. I do not want this extra column saved in the database, what is the best way to implement this ?
Here's what I've tried:
I created an new with the class XProxyModel that inherits from QIdentityProxyModel. This class overloads the columnCount() method and returns the desired number of columns (5 ). I also overloaded the headerData method to catch the new columns and emit the proper Header strings. This all seems to work fine, my one problem is in the data method ( which I also overloaded in XProxyModel ), within this method my new columns
never show up through the QModelIndex, it stops at the true underlying columns.What am I doing wrong ?
My other alternative is to change from a TableView to a TableWidget and manually populate this table through
a QSqlTableModel/QSqlQuery, is this the right solution ?Thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Yes it does since you have to somehow provide indexes to access your "virtual" column