Multimedia Plugins MediaPlayer and Camera - are both needed?
I am developing an application using a camera with a custom API. I am working in Windows.
I have a plugin that loads with the QPluginLoader but when I use the QCamera::availableDevices() API the plugin is not loaded. It is in the plugin path already, and I match versions correctly.
My question is that I notice many of the plugin packages for other platforms include a Camera and a MediaPlayer plugin. This may seem like a dumb question, but is the MediaPlayer plugin required? I did not write a MediaPlayer plugin. I have no interest in playback, just a camera with a Viewfinder and still image capture.
I'd like to see if I can get to the point where the Multimedia framework calls the create() method in my plugin.
I noticed some documentation in qmediaserviceproviderplugin.h indicating the required controls for the Camera and for the MediaPlayer (thanks!) Is there any more extensive documentation available for developers writing multimedia plugins?
Where in the source tree does Multimedia Plugin loading and validation take place? I can work from that in lieu of guidelines.
You should have a look at the BB10 multimedia plugin, I find it quite complete and not so hard to follow. You don't need to implement everything it does it since you have less features but it's a good starting point.
When built, your plugin should be copied along the other multimedia plugins in your Qt installation.
Hope it helps