QDomDocument::setContent reead only 1 chield but in file is more chield
Hi i make QDomDocument and add 2 root chields (Accouts and Tests) next i save to file. Now if i want read this form file, QDomDocument read only 1 root chield (Accounts), Why ??
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtXml>void save()
QDomDocument XMLDocument;QDomElement Accounts = XMLDocument.createElement("Accounts"); XMLDocument.appendChild(Accounts); QDomElement Account1; Account1 = XMLDocument.createElement("Account"); Account1.setAttribute("Name", "Account1"); Accounts.appendChild(Account1); QDomElement Account2; Account2 = XMLDocument.createElement("Account"); Account2.setAttribute("Name", "Account2"); Accounts.appendChild(Account2); QDomElement Tests = XMLDocument.createElement("Tests"); XMLDocument.appendChild(Tests); QDomElement Test1; Test1 = XMLDocument.createElement("Test"); Test1.setAttribute("Name", "Test1"); Tests.appendChild(Test1); QDomElement Test2; Test2 = XMLDocument.createElement("Test"); Test2.setAttribute("Name", "Test2"); Tests.appendChild(Test2); QFile XMLFile("d:/test.xml"); if( XMLFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text) ) { QTextStream tStream(&XMLFile); tStream << XMLDocument; } XMLFile.flush(); XMLFile.close();
void load()
QFile XMLFile("d:/test.xml");
QDomDocument XMLDocument;if(XMLFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text)) { XMLDocument.setContent(&XMLFile); XMLFile.close(); } qDebug() << XMLDocument.childNodes().count();
int main()
<Account Name="Account1"/>
<Account Name="Account2"/>
<Test Name="Test1"/>
<Test Name="Test2"/>
[/code] -
perhaps you need to do this:
@Is "chields" in Welsh?
i tryed this, result its the same
OK, let's try a different thing. Sometimes, QDomDocument needs to be initialised before it can be worked upon. Try doing this:
// This will initialise the document.
QDomElement whatever = XMLDocument.createElement("anything");
// Now it should get the whole content
@ -
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1383134843"]OK, let's try a different thing. Sometimes, QDomDocument needs to be initialised before it can be worked upon. Try doing this:
// This will initialise the document.
QDomElement whatever = XMLDocument.createElement("anything");
// Now it should get the whole content
@[/quote]i tryed that but setContent overrite XMLDocument and still is 1 chields "Accouts"
Another try and I give up. Maybe the structure is a bit different and there is only one child of the doc. Use another debug line to make sure:
qDebug() << XMLDocument.toString(2);
@ -
qDebug() << XMLDocument.toString(2);
<Account Name="Account1"/>
<Account Name="Account2"/>
[/code] -
Weird, I do not know why this happens. An obvious workaround would be to add some global root item, enclosing both Accounts and Tests.
i do someting like this, its work on 2 chields but is suck, some one have better idea ??
void load()
QFile XMLFile("d:/test.xml");
QDomDocument XMLDocument;if(XMLFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text)) { QString tContent = XMLFile.readAll(); QDomDocument tChield; XMLDocument.setContent(tContent); QString tTagName = "</" + XMLDocument.childNodes().at(0).toElement().tagName() + ">"; tContent.remove(0, tContent.indexOf(tTagName) + tTagName.length()); tChield.setContent(tContent); XMLDocument.appendChild( tChield.childNodes().at(0) ); qDebug() << XMLDocument.toString(); XMLFile.close(); } qDebug() << XMLDocument.childNodes().count();