Can't build Qt 4.8.5 with i686-w64-mingw32
Hi all,
Last day I've successfully build Qt 4.8.5 with the 64-bit target version of the rubenvb version.
Now i want to build the 32 bit version of Qt with the rubenvb 32 target version, but i get the following error when start make:@make (e=2): Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
makefile:335: recipe for target `main.o' failed
mingw32-make: *** [main.o] Error 2@this error happen also with ming w64 (32/64) autobuilds("mingw build...": targetting Win32/Automated Builds/)
i don't really understand why i've sucefully build Qt with 64bit and not with 32bit.
i've also tried to build a simple helloworld but it give me the same problem.
I think it's something with the path "/" or "". but why 64 yes and not 32???thanks in advance