[solved]Translation doesn't work.
I am using qsTr in my qml file, e.g.
@Text { text: qsTr("Location"); font.pointSize: 15; color: "white"; anchors.centerIn: parent; }@in cpp file I am loading qm file
@QTranslator tr;
qApp->installTranslator(&tr);@this is part of tr file:
@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="ru_RU">
<location filename="qml/debugWFG/CollapsiblePanel.qml" line="85"/>
<location filename="qml/debugWFG/CollapsiblePanel.qml" line="106"/>
<source>Source list</source>
<translation>Список источников</translation>
<location filename="qml/debugWFG/CollapsiblePanel.qml" line="127"/>
<source>Add new source</source>
<translation>Добавить источник</translation>
<location filename="qml/debugWFG/CollapsiblePanel.qml" line="148"/>
<source>Ranking management</source>
<translation>Управление ранжировкой</translation>
<location filename="qml/debugWFG/CollapsiblePanel.qml" line="169"/>
<source>Extra settings</source>
<translation>Дополнительные настройки</translation>
<location filename="qtquick2applicationviewer/mylogic.cpp" line="109"/>
@due to this file I get debugWFG_ru.qm by lrelease (http://yadi.sk/d/G1VDUYhjBEhre)
translation doesn't work. help please, what's wrong?
p.s. whole project you can find here: http://yadi.sk/d/insf3sdRBEhtt
Are you sure the file can be found ? Is it in your source directory ? If so and you are using shadow build, it won't find it. Copy the translation file next to your executable and try again.
Oops, thanks - I really forgot to put qm file next to the exe. But in general, initially I had problem with translation in another project - information about this problem is in the post above.
return true -
Did you had a look at the "online internationalization qml example":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/declarative-i18n.html ? There's also a link to a complete example that might interest you.
Hope it helps
Yes, I've already seen it. But there is another project type and Qt version.
I used these manuals:
It still doesn't work :( -
What do you mean by other project type and Qt version ?
I use Qt 5.1 and QtQuick2ApplicationViewer instead of QmlApplicationViewer
But I've already tried to put my translation files(qm & ts) into subdirectory of the root QML file, as it said in article you posted. Unfortunately it didn't help
It turned out that it's not allowed to setMainQmlFile before installing QTranslator