QWebFrame::findAllElements() doesn't work in separate thread
hi. i'm trying to parse webPage to get all links on it. i use a QThreadPool and my own class implementing QRunnable, which provides all fucntionality. Everything is going good, if I run such QRunnable in main thread, but
when I put my Runnable to the thread pool, QWebFrame::findAllElements("a") returns empty set. =(I run my Runnable:
in same thread, findAllElements() works perfect
@webLoader()->run();@findAllElements() returns empty set =(
@threadPool->start(webLoader);@I've already spent many hours trying to figure out problem. =(
Here is my code snippets:
@class WebLoader : public QObject, public QRunnable
QUrl url;
QString textPattern;
QWebPage* page;
explicit WebLoader(const QUrl& url, const QString& textPattern);
void run();
virtual ~WebLoader();
void loaded(QList<QUrl> urls, bool error, bool found);
private slots:
void loadFinished(bool success);
@WebLoader::WebLoader(const QUrl& url, const QString& textPattern): url(url), textPattern(textPattern) {
}void WebLoader::run() {
QEventLoop loop;page = new QWebPage; page->mainFrame()->load(url); connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), SLOT(loadFinished(bool))); connect(page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), &loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exec();
void WebLoader::loadFinished(bool success) {
QList<QUrl> urlList;
bool found = false;if(success) { QWebElementCollection collection = page->mainFrame()->findAllElements("a"); foreach(QWebElement element, collection) { if(element.hasAttribute("href")) { urlList.push_back(url.resolved(QUrl(element.attribute("href")))); } } found = page->findText(textPattern); } emit loaded(urlList, !success, found);
PS. sorry for my english.
That is not possible with current Webkit 2, alas Webkit 3 is QML only and is missing a ton of useful features
Webkit 2 creates and uses QWidgets so all access to Qt webkit should be done on main thread. This is by design.
What you want should be possible with Webkit 3 alas we are still waiting for a decent C++ API