<SOLVED> Changing QML properties in C++
Hello I have already asked the following on "Stackoverflow":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18594459/changing-qml-properties-in-c though, but I will try asking here now :)
I am trying to change a property(canvasWidth) in a QML program with Qt/C++, only problem is that it won't work. When I change the property and use the debugging from Qt/C++ it says that the property has changed but when I make QML print the property out it says it hasn't changed.
I have tried to compile with both Clang and GCC on 64bit Ubuntu/Fedora with Qt 5.0.2 and QtCreator 2.7/2.8.
I am using Fedora 19 64bit with QtCreator 2.8, Qt 5.0.2 and Clang 3.3 as compiler
I have no idea what I made wrong here and I can't seem to find a solution anywhere so I am asking here.
I have made this so far.
QML: (main.qml)
import QtQuick 2.0Item {
property int canvasWidth: 200
objectName: "background"width: canvasWidth; height: 1000
Rectangle {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
width: canvasWidth
color: "lightgrey"Rectangle { id: scrollArea color: parent.color border.color: "grey" border.width: 2 x: 0; y: button1.height width: 201; height: 1000 Rectangle { color: parent.color height: 2 width: parent.width - 4 x: 2 y: 0 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent property var scrollValue: 20 onWheel: { if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) { button1.y -= scrollValue console.log(canvasWidth) } if (wheel.angleDelta.y < 0) button1.y += scrollValue console.log(canvasWidth) } Button { id: button1 y: 0 color: "lightblue" border.color: "grey" } Button { id: button2 y: button1.y + height color: "lightblue" border.color: "grey" } } } Rectangle { id: menuArea color: parent.color width: parent.width height: button1.height border.color: "grey" }
@C++: (main.cpp)
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQuickWindow>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QQmlProperty>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QQuickItem>int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
viewer.showExpanded();//view->setProperty("width", 1000);
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent component(&engine, "qml/EasyCAS/main.qml");
QObject *object = component.create();object->setProperty("canvasWidth", 10000);
QQmlProperty::write(object, "canvasWidth", 5000);
qDebug() << "Property value:" << object->property("canvasWidth").toInt();//-------------------------------------
QObject *rootObject = dynamic_cast<QObject *>(viewer.rootObject());
// find element by name
QObject *image = rootObject->findChild<QObject *>(QStringLiteral("background"));if (image) { // element found
image->setProperty("canvasWidth", 2000);
}return app.exec();
//QObject *object = view->rootObject();
//QQmlProperty(object, "width").write(500);
@Thanks in advance.
You are creating 2 separate instances of main.qml, then modify the one that is not visible... no wonder it does not work. Also, you are using findChild() and look for item "id" instead of "objectName". Ids are QML-internal and are not visible from C++.
So basically:
- line 10 in QML code: add another line:
objectName: "background"
@ - remove lines 19-30, they are not needed
- set canvasWidth property for rootObject you get in line 32. It might work there (although it's also possible you need to get one level deeper using findChild()). Or even easier: add canvasWidth as global property by using setContextProperty()
- line 10 in QML code: add another line:
Thanks a lot sierdzio :)
With your help I made it work and because of this I seem to understand how the system works, though I will need some more practice to learn about QObjects etc.
No worries :) QML requires a bit different way of thinking than C++, which makes connecting it to C++ a bit tricky even for experienced users. If you need some hardcore example of QtQuick, feel free to browse my CCF project ("link":https://github.com/sierdzio/closecombatfree).