Symbols like € œ when given as part of text are displayed differently
I have to display € œ as part of the text element. In the qml file the above symbols are shown properly but when i run the program. They are shown differently.Please let me know how i can resolve this problem. I have run it on desktop only.
Kusuma -
welcome to devnet
This must have to do with the different character sets used. Unfortunately (or maybe luckily), I am displaying only standard sets. But the section you need to focus on should be with "QLocale":
[edit] Hope this helps somehow. :)
Thanks for the reply.
Hi this is the qml file i have used ..
import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360
Text {
text: qsTr("Hello World € æ œ")
anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
The output window shows diff characters for euro and french symbols. I am running this program in ubuntu 11.10. It must be using standard charsets right? I am not knowing how to link/use QLocale to this piece of can find a snapshot of the output here -€-œ-when-given-as-part-of-text-are-displayed-differently.html#post122227 -
Sorry, I did not pay attention that it was posted under Qt Quick. I am not of any help here.
Note: In order to make your code more readable you should use" code tagging/wrappings":
I have introduced those for you in your last post.