Painting QT5 window on Win32 HWND
I want to embed a QT5 window into a Win32 application. For this, I have a QT dll which exports a function for painting a QWidget and a Win32 applicaion with multiple windows which loads the DLL. I want to pass the HWND of such a window to the QT-DLL and force it painting the widget on it.
In QT4, there seems to have "QT Solutions" existed which offered QWinWidget which seemed exactly to be what I need. Is what I want to achieve possible in QT5 and if so, what do I need to do?
Fabian -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
In Qt 5 you have the qtwinextras repository for windows platform specific code like QWinWidget, you could try to see if you find it there.
Hope it helps