In QWebKit , how can I clicked the web html's button by program?
a id="mobileRegA" href="[removed]void(0);" onclick=";return false;" class="btnReg">
Register[removed]void(0) ==》 avascript:void(0);
here's code snippet ,
QWebFrame *frame = ui.webView->page()->mainFrame();
QWebElement mainRegA = frame->findFirstElement("#mainRegA");
@what's wrong? thanx
Just use ...evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById("mainRegA").clicked()
Also you are searching for #mainRegA (name includes #).
taken from the QWebElement docs:
QWebElement document = frame->documentElement();
/* Assume that the document has the following structure:<form name="myform" action="submit_form.asp" method="get"> <input type="text" name="myfield"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> */ QWebElement button = document.findFirst("input[type=submit]"); button.evaluateJavaScript("");
Compare this with your code: the problem is that a-Elements don't support the click() method (only input-Elements).
Are you using jQuery? AFAIK jQuery would provide an click() method for a-Elements.
If not you need to do something like this:
var href = document.getElementById("mainRegA").getAttribute('href');
[removed].href = href;