Unreliable or bad behavior QTextBrowser rendering
In environment Windows 7, 64 bit, Qt 5.1.0 , QtCreator 2.7.2 I tried creating no transparent html text on background with parameterized transparency.
Behavior rendering of QTextBrowser object was unexpected.
With transparent background was an even different results under Mingw and MSVC2012.
MSVC2012 produces semitransparent background and Mingw puts haphazardly diferent number of strange pixels into background.
Have anybody any advice for me, please?Jirka
TARGET = demo
QT += widgets
SOURCES += demo.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTextBrowser>int main(int argc , char ** argv )
QApplication a_oApp (argc, argv);for (int a_i = 0; a_i < 6; a_i++) { QString a_oS = "<html><body style=\"background-color: transparent\"><font color=\"red\" style=\"font-size: 28px; font-family: Arial\">--ahoj--</font></body></html>"; // create document from text and find out its size QTextDocument a_oTD; a_oTD.setHtml (a_oS); QSizeF a_oHtmlSz = a_oTD.size(); // create text browser for document QTextBrowser a_oTB; #if 1 // create transparent color QColor a_oCTransp (255, 255, 255); a_oCTransp.setAlpha (0); a_oTB.viewport()->setAutoFillBackground (false); QPalette a_oTBPal = a_oTB.palette(); a_oTBPal.setColor(QPalette::Window, a_oCTransp); a_oTB.setPalette(a_oTBPal); a_oTB.setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); #else // alternative a_oTB.viewport()->setAutoFillBackground (false); a_oTB.setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); #endif a_oTB.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); //a_oTB.setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoBackground); a_oTB.setFrameStyle(QFrame::Plain); a_oTB.setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit::NoWrap); a_oTB.resize (a_oHtmlSz.width (), a_oHtmlSz.height ()); #if 1 a_oTB.setDocument(& a_oTD); #else // alternative a_oTB.setHtml(a_oS); #endif // grab a picture from text browser QPixmap a_oPM (a_oTB.size ()); a_oTB.render (& a_oPM); QString a_oNPm = QString ("pixm_%1.bmp").arg (a_i); a_oPM.save (a_oNPm, "BMP"); } // for return 0;