ComboBox read info from database table and close connection in different ui. than opened
I would like to draw your attention to the following scenario:
I created a connection to insert some info into my database table1 (driver QMYSQL). I have an ui. form to create users account; info to be feed in my database table1: username, name, pass, etc. and role assign to specific user. For “role” I would like to have a comboBox which receive info from my database table2. Are only 3 roles available: admin, guest, user.
I have several questions which came in my mind:-
how to populate the comboBox with these roles read from table2?
The connection opens the database when the ui. form opens.
@void MainWindow::on_addUser_triggered()
usernew *nU = new usernew;
nU ->show();QSqlDatabase addUser = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");
a. I was thinking to lunch a query as soon as the ui. form is opened and to populate the comboBox with the results from table2:
@QSqlQuery combRol;
combRol.prepare("SELECT role FROM test.table2");
combRol->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Role"));
QTableView *view = new QTableView;
ui->Role->setView(view);@b. But this solution is not working. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Or do you have other alternative?
After the info was inserted in all fields I need to INSERT the info via a query in my table1 and close the connection:
@void usernew::on_buttonBox_accepted()
QSqlQuery qry1;
qry1.prepare("INSERT INTO test.table1 (username, pass, name, email)VALUES (:username, :pass, :name, :email)");
qry1.bindValue(":username", ui->Username->text());
qry1.bindValue(":pass", ui->Password->text());
qry1.bindValue(":name", ui->Name->text());
qry1.bindValue(":email", ui->Email->text());
a. But the addUser.close is not working since the connection is declared/opened in a different form “MainWindow” and now I would like to close it in “usernew”. Any idea what is wrong and what shall I do to close the connection in “usernew”? -
Is it correct (from architecture point of view) to open a connection in one form and close it in a different one?
Thanks for your hints.