QSerialPort dont emitted readyRead if window is resizing or moving
Hello, help me, please.
I have class for work with some device by COM port. But it dont emitted readyRead if i'm resizing or moving program's window. How solve this problem?
@class Device : public QObject
explicit Device(QObject *parent = 0);
bool openPort(const QString &portName);
void closePort();
bool isPortOpen() const;
bool sendCommand(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char arg = 0);
bool connectDevice();private slots:
void onReadData();
void error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error);private:
QSerialPort *port;
QByteArray buffer;signals:
void newDataAvailbled(CurrentData* data);
};@@Device::Device(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
this->port = new QSerialPort(this);
connect(this->port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadData()));
delete this->port;
}bool Device::openPort(const QString &portName)
const bool isOpen = this->port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);
if (isOpen == true) {
return isOpen;
}void Device::closePort()
if (this->port->isOpen())
}bool Device::isPortOpen() const
return this->port->isOpen();
}bool Device::sendCommand(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char arg)
if (this->isPortOpen() == false)
return false;
QByteArray buf;
if (this->port->write(buf) != buf.size())
return false;
return true;
}bool Device::connectDevice()
return this->sendCommand(DeviceCommands::TurnOffSMode);
}void Device::onReadData()
emit this->newDataAvailbled(newData);
}@ -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I would say that the event loop is "blocked" processing the resizing hence the readyRead are not processed while your moving your window. You could move Device in another thread.
QThread *serialThread = new QThread(this);
Device *device = new Device;
// do connections etc...
@Something like that
Hope it helps
Yes, SGaist is right.
At present the single decision is use of a separate thread. But in the future (for Qt >= 5.x only) is planned to use I/O completion port feature for resolve this problem (but it just ideas on the future).
I used moveToThread(), but problem was left((
I'm use windows 7 and Qt5.1also, if connected readyRead to slot in Device by Qt:AutoConnection, then I have Heap Corruption on reading data. if connect by DirectConnection or BlockingQueuedConnection, then it's OK, but problem with moving of window was left
I moved method from signal from readyRead() to timerEvent...
@void Device::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)
int c = port->bytesAvailable();
emit testSignal(QTime::currentTime().toString() + " " + QString::number(c));
}@and if I'm moving window, then c is zero, but signal was emitted and I getting current time and zero