Equivalent of QWinWidget in Qt5
I am just wondering if there is an equivalent to QWinWidget available in qt5..i.e a Qt widget that can be child of a native Win32 widget..
Or better still a way, given knowledge of the HWND of a native window on any platform, be able to set a Qt Widget as a child to that?
No there is no equivalent. In fact, there is no QWinWidget in Qt4 ;)
However, AFAIK QWinWidget from Qt Solutions does compile on Qt5. I don't know if it works, but at least it should compile.
It is actually possible to compile, but it doesn't work with Qt5 unfortunately.
See QTBUG-32962 for further information.
Given knowledge of the HWND of a native window on any platform, is there any other way of being able to set a Qt Widget as a child to that?
Or at the very least control the Qt Widget such that it always remains at a rendering depth, whereby it is always immediately above the naive window e.g an overlay, and doesn't allow other native windows inbetween the two?
Roland thanks for the link. I may take a look at it in a spare moment.