Project Wizard with German Umlaute
I have translation file (.ts) templates integrated into a ProjectWizard.
One of the templates is a German translation file (app_trans_de.ts) with the following header:
@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="de_DE">@One of the German translations is:
@<translation>Über</translation>@When QtCreator has created a new project from the ProjectWizard that translation has no longer the correct German Umlaut:
@<translation>Ãœber</translation>@Anybody any idea how to keep the German Umlaut?
Ironically, Qt Creator is being developed in Germany :) Better ask this on qt-creator mailing list, or hope that Tobias will see it here.
The best way to bring problems to the attention of developers is to "file bug reports": .
Reports to the forums tend to get ignored since it only happens by accident that the relevant developers stumble over it (and no, I am not the right one for this issue;-).