How to iterate through items in a qtableView to determine if a number exists
How can I iterate through items in a qtableView to determine if a number in a row matches an external number. In other words I would like to go through the tableView and see if one of the rows contain a certain number.
How can I do what I'm describing above?
I'm using QStandardItemModel.
Thanks a lot.
Here is what I came up with that works for what I want to do.
@void MainWindow::findNumber()
int row = model->rowCount();
int col = model->columnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < row ; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
QVariant content = model->data(model->index(i, j), Qt::DisplayRole);
if(content == QVariant("5"))
qDebug()<<"Found a number 5";
qDebug()<<"There are no number 5s in this table";
}} }
You can iterate through all indexes from the row and check each entry for the value you are searching. Maybe not the most efficient but it does the job.
Sorry, i didn't saw your update after sending my answer which is the same as yours but you where only talking about a row not searching the entire model.
You could try using QtConcurrent to speed things up but that would complicate your code a bit