[SLOVED]how to save \0 in my array coming from serial
--I want to communicate between two device and using Mod-bus protocol but on some i have to send 0x00 in the format from slave ---
0x05 , 0x04 , 0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 , 0x0A , 0x79 ,0x89 Iam able to receive 5 4 but not able to get 0 ,0 ,0 so on at my terminal.void Dialog::onReadyRead()
if (port->bytesAvailable()) {
QString buffer;
QByteArray ba;
char str=ba.data();
for(int i=0;i<avail;i++)
{ str[i]=str[i]-48; }
I have defined one array in which i can able to save the data after Qstring to * char conversion and
after executing this i can able to see "54" on one lable but after that i didnt get any values i have gone through readAll(); in that function i found that it is terminating on '\0' character how to solve that because in my program i have to tackle with no of '\0' character please suggest something good..Thank You
A quick comment on your post, please place your code in a code box @@ That makes it more readable!!
Now your code looks like magic or garbage to read. What ever fancies your taste ;-)
For serial communication is it sometimes better to convert every byte to two ascii characters so the transmission never includes the 00 characters. This to avoid loss of data in asynchronous communication.
But to revert to your question. The conversions of QString etc are always stopped with the '\0' character, that is basic software.
Did you debug the buffer (QString), does it hold the data? It will probably will only show data until the first 0 is received?
Greetz -
Thank you Greetz for your Respone..
you are absolutly correct buffer can able to hold the data upto first zero after that it is not showing any thing.
here is my code. help how to store the data including 0x00 in between the defined array as readAll function read upto it find first zero after that it terminates .//---------------------------------------INITIALIZATION------------------------------------------------------//
char String[11]={0x05,0x04,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x0A,0x71,0x89,0x00,'\0'};
char StringOne[10]={"AB CBBB--"};
char test[10];
char *str;
int i=0,a=5;
char DATA[50]={0x05,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x30,0x71,0x89,0x00,'\0'};
QString buffer;
Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Dialog)
//----------------------------------------PORTSETTING---------------------------------------------------//ui->portBox->addItem("ttyUSB0"); ui->portBox->addItem("ttyUSB1"); //make sure user can input their own port name! ui->portBox->setEditable(true);
/--------------------------------------DATA RECEIVE SECTION----------------------------------------//
void Dialog::onReadyRead()
if (port->bytesAvailable()) {
int avail=port->bytesAvailable();
QByteArray ba;
for(int i=0;i<avail;i++){test[i]=str[i]+48;}
//--------------------------------------DATA RECEIVE SECTION----------------------------------------////--------------------------------------DATA TRANSMIT SECTION-(MY SLOT)---------------------------------------------//
void Dialog::MySlot()
if (port->isOpen()){port->write(String);}
//------------------------------------DATA TRANSMIT SECTION-(MY SLOT)----------------------------------------------// -
//----------------------------------------------------SIGNAL SLOT CONNECTION------------------------------------------//
connect(ui->baudRateBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onBaudRateChanged(int)));
connect(ui->parityBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onParityChanged(int)));
connect(ui->dataBitsBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onDataBitsChanged(int)));
connect(ui->stopBitsBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onStopBitsChanged(int)));
connect(ui->queryModeBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onQueryModeChanged(int)));
connect(ui->timeoutBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(onTimeoutChanged(int)));
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(onReadyRead()));
connect(port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(onReadyRead()));
connect(enumerator, SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(QextPortInfo)), SLOT(onPortAddedOrRemoved()));
connect(enumerator, SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(QextPortInfo)), SLOT(onPortAddedOrRemoved()));
//----------------------------------------------------SIGNAL SLOT CONNECTION------------------------------------------//
//---------------------------------------------------PORT OPENING-----------------------------------------------------//
//If using polling mode, we need a QTimer
if (port->isOpen() && port->queryMode() == QextSerialPort::Polling)
//update led's status
//---------------------------------------------------PORT OPENING-----------------------------------------------------//
delete ui;
delete port;
void Dialog::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::LanguageChange:
void Dialog::onBaudRateChanged(int idx)
}void Dialog::onParityChanged(int idx)
}void Dialog::onDataBitsChanged(int idx)
}void Dialog::onStopBitsChanged(int idx)
}void Dialog::onQueryModeChanged(int idx)
}void Dialog::onTimeoutChanged(int val)
} -
Please enclose your code with coding tags (one @ at the beginning and another at the end of your code)
Otherwise it's pretty much unreadable
@ //———————————————————-INITIALIZATION———————————————————————————//
char String11={0×05,0×04,0×01,0×01,0×00,0×0A,0×71,0×89,0×00,’\0’};
char StringOne10={“AB CBBB—”};
char test10;
char *str;
int i=0,a=5;
char DATA50={0×05,0×04,0×00,0×00,0×00,0×30,0×71,0×89,0×00,’\0’};
QString buffer;
Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :
QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Dialog)
{ ui->setupUi(this); ui->stringOne->setText(String); ui->stringTwo->setText(StringOne); //————————————————————PORTSETTING—————————————————————————-//
ui->portBox->addItem(“ttyUSB0”); ui->portBox->addItem(“ttyUSB1”); //make sure user can input their own port name! ui->portBox->setEditable(true);/———————————————————DATA RECEIVE SECTION————————————————————//
void Dialog::onReadyRead()
{ if (port->bytesAvailable()) { int avail=port->bytesAvailable(); ui->recvEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); buffer=QString::fromLatin1(port->readAll()); ui->recvEdit->insertPlainText(buffer); QByteArray ba; ba=buffer.toLatin1(); str=ba.data(); for(int i=0;i<avail;i++){test[i]=str[i]+48;} ui->stringOne->setText(test); }
//———————————————————DATA RECEIVE SECTION————————————————————////———————————————————DATA TRANSMIT SECTION-(MY SLOT)——————————————————————-//
void Dialog::MySlot()
{ if (port->isOpen()){port->write(String);}
//——————————————————DATA TRANSMIT SECTION-(MY SLOT)———————————————————————//@ -
//——————————————————————————SIGNAL SLOT CONNECTION—————————————————————// connect(ui->baudRateBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(ui->parityBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(ui->dataBitsBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(ui->stopBitsBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(ui->queryModeBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(ui->timeoutBox, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(timer, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(port, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(timer1,SIGNAL),this,SLOT)); connect(enumerator, SIGNAL), SLOT)); connect(enumerator, SIGNAL), SLOT));
//——————————————————————————SIGNAL SLOT CONNECTION—————————————————————//
//—————————————————————————-PORT OPENING——————————————————————————-// port->setPortName(ui->portBox->currentText()); port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); //If using polling mode, we need a QTimer if (port->isOpen() && port->queryMode() == QextSerialPort::Polling) timer->start(); else timer->stop(); //update led’s status ui->led->turnOn(port->isOpen());
//—————————————————————————-PORT OPENING——————————————————————————-//
{ delete ui; delete port;
void Dialog::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
{ QDialog::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; }
void Dialog::onBaudRateChanged(int idx)
{ port->setBaudRate((BaudRateType)ui->baudRateBox->itemData(idx).toInt());
}void Dialog::onParityChanged(int idx)
{ port->setParity((ParityType)ui->parityBox->itemData(idx).toInt());
}void Dialog::onDataBitsChanged(int idx)
{ port->setDataBits((DataBitsType)ui->dataBitsBox->itemData(idx).toInt());
}void Dialog::onStopBitsChanged(int idx)
{ port->setStopBits((StopBitsType)ui->stopBitsBox->itemData(idx).toInt());
}void Dialog::onQueryModeChanged(int idx)
{ port->setQueryMode((QextSerialPort::QueryMode)ui->queryModeBox->itemData(idx).toInt());
}void Dialog::onTimeoutChanged(int val)
{ port->setTimeout(val);
@ -
can any one provide some help , how to make '\0' non termination for serial communication so that i can able to retrive my complete set of data at receiver or slave end when i am transmitting from Master End.
You can't use strings, because 0x00 == '\0' is a termination character. Use a raw QByteArray.
when My String is :
char String[11]={0x05,0x04,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x0A,0x71,0x89,'\0'};
is this then I i can able to see on label defined and value of avail=8 and and data i can seen in my Temp_Buf;but when My string is :
char String[11]={0x05,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x71,0x89,0x00,'\0'};
@then the value of avail=2; and it is get terminated by the function.
@void Dialog::onReadyRead()
int avail = port->readData(Temp_Buf,256);for(int i=0;i<avail;i++) {test[i]=Temp_Buf[i]+48;} ui->stringOne->setText(test); ui->stringTwo->setNum(avail);
@When I tried diffrently :
void Dialog::onReadyRead()
if (port->bytesAvailable())
int avail=port->bytesAvailable();
QByteArray data = port->readAll();
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
Same thing happens fuction read all when it encounter 0 it get terminated is there any fuction which not terminate Zero or i have to modify the fuction
because when i am reading bytes available in case of array contating zero it terminates but in case of array contating non-zero show complete value.Thank you
As said by JKSH the 0x00 is equivalent to '\0' which terminates a string (it's not QString specific)
If you only want to show the values from the byte array you could consider the hexadecimal representation. Otherwise you have to parse your byte array and translate it to something that can be shown in a string.
Sir ,
Actully From MODBUS protocol i will be receving same pattern
as an array named String ;
As I am in problem i know if it getting 0 it will terminate@
char String[11]={0x05,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x71,0x89,0x00,'\0'};int avail =port->bytesAvailable(); // is also providing the value upto it
///My Updated Code is Code is :
void Dialog::onReadyRead() { if (port->bytesAvailable()) { int avail=port->bytesAvailable(); QByteArray buf = port->readAll(); for(int i=0;i<avail;i++) { test[i]=buf[i]+48; } ui->stringOne->setText(test); ui->stringTwo->setNum(avail); } }
/======/code for transmitting------//
void Dialog::MySlot()
if (port->isOpen()){port->write(String);
// I am transmitting it from RS 232 and making Rx-Tx short for testing -
Now i am not dealing with Qstring.
Just Handling QByteArray buf array to represent the data I received and and make a conversion to make it visible.if you help in some coding pls do so...need help
And if --- > Raw QByteArray is solution then pls provide some example I will be very thankfull to you..
till now i have tried with readData , readall() ,readLine in all cases the problem is same.Thankyou.
If you are working with hexadecimal values you can use QByteArray::toHex() to show the byte array content.
Don't use write(const char *), as the documentation states, it's for null terminated strings. Use write(const char *, int), and give it the size of your String variable.
it working fine by using
QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromRawData(port->readAll(),sizeof(port->readAll()));