[QWT] Plotting curves with gaps with QWT 6.1.0
So far, I have been using qwt v6.0.1 and v6.0.2 without problems. Because of Qt 5 I had to upgrade to v 6.1.0 and the statement above does not seem to do its job anymore.
For about two years I am plotting curves with gaps and I do not like to have an additional entry in the legend. In order to suppress the additional entries, the second and subsequent entries are marked using following statement:
QwtPlotItem::setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );Every single snippet of the curve will have a separate entry in the legend.
QWT has been compiled using MinGW 4.8 as supplied with Qt 5.1 SDK.
Anyone an idea what is wrong or what I have to change?
IIRC there have been some changes in between, some function renaming at least.
Do you have a little example that could be tested ?
Unfortunately, No small example.
I have done a bit of debugging today. In the mean time I have a solution by changing the init method of QwtPlotCurve contructor. Doing a bit more checks tomorrow. Maybe I can change one of the examples to demonstrate show the issue.
That looks almost like a regression then
I have isolated the issue for the bode example.
Changes in plot.h:
QwtPlotCurve *d_curve11;
QwtPlotCurve *d_curve12;
QwtPlotCurve *d_curve21;
QwtPlotCurve *d_curve22;
QwtPlotMarker *d_marker1;
QwtPlotMarker *d_marker2;
Plot::Plot( QWidget *parent ):
QwtPlot( parent )
setAutoReplot( false );...
// curves
d_curve11 = new QwtPlotCurve( "Amplitude" );
d_curve11->setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased );
d_curve11->setPen( Qt::yellow );
d_curve11->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowLine );#define QWT_CURVE_CHECK0
#if defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve11->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve11->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft );
d_curve11->attach( this );
d_curve12 = new QwtPlotCurve( "Amplitude" );
d_curve12->setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased );
d_curve12->setPen( Qt::yellow );
d_curve12->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowLine );
#if defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve12->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve12->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft );
d_curve12->attach( this );d_curve21 = new QwtPlotCurve( "Phase" ); d_curve21->setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased ); d_curve21->setPen( Qt::cyan ); d_curve21->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowLine );
#if defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve21->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve21->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yRight );
d_curve21->attach( this );
d_curve22 = new QwtPlotCurve( "Phase" );
d_curve22->setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased );
d_curve22->setPen( Qt::cyan );
d_curve22->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowLine );
#if defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve22->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve22->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yRight );
d_curve22->attach( this );
// marker
setAutoReplot( true );
}void Plot::showData( const double *frequency, const double *amplitude,
const double *phase, int count )
int cnt2 = count / 2;
int count2 = count - cnt2;
#if ! defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve11->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve12->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve21->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve22->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve11->setSamples( frequency, amplitude, cnt2 );
d_curve21->setSamples( frequency, phase, cnt2 );
d_curve12->setSamples( &frequency[cnt2], &litude[cnt2], count2 );
d_curve22->setSamples( &frequency[cnt2], &phase[cnt2], count2 );
@The example as given above shows duplicated legend entries, when qwt is untouched.
When QWT_CURVE_CHECK macro is defined only single entries are shown.
There is a dependency when
d_curveX2->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
are called.The example has also proper legend entries when the QWT_CURVE_CHECK macro is not defined, but qwt is slightly changed in qwt_plot_curve.cpp from
void QwtPlotCurve::init()
setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend );
setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::AutoScale );
void QwtPlotCurve::init()
setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::AutoScale );
@in qwt-6.0.1 it did not matter where the actual entries for the legend were set to false. At least not in my plotting setup.
I tried with Qt 4.8.6 and had the same results. It might be a good idea to check with the Qwt guys
Thanks for feedback.I had placed the question on the QWT mailing list before posting here. Without any feedback and not even showing my entry in the archive next day, I decided to place here.
Nevertheless," Uwe has answered":http://sourceforge.net/p/qwt/mailman/qwt-interest/?viewmonth=201308&viewday=10 and I am going to guide him to here.
As an update Uwe responded on the qwt mailing list:
This is an update issue - it has to do with the fact, that Qwt 6.1 is
more accurate with item and legend changes ( see
QwtPlotItem::legenChanged(), QwtPlotItem::itemChanged() to avoid
pointless expensive replots.I have to check what goes wrong in the example, but an easy workaround
is to call QwtPlot::updateLegend() manually after changing the
QwtPlotItem::Legend flags.Uwe
[/quote]Just verified with the prepared "bode" example. Changing showData to:
void Plot::showData( const double *frequency, const double *amplitude,
const double *phase, int count )
int cnt2 = count / 2;
int count2 = count - cnt2;
#if ! defined ( QWT_CURVE_CHECK )
d_curve11->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve12->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve21->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true );
d_curve22->setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, false );
d_curve11->setSamples( frequency, amplitude, cnt2 );
d_curve21->setSamples( frequency, phase, cnt2 );
d_curve12->setSamples( &frequency[cnt2], &litude[cnt2], count2 );
d_curve22->setSamples( &frequency[cnt2], &phase[cnt2], count2 );QwtPlot::updateLegend();
@does also solve the problem.
This might be a good trick to add in their documentation