Webkit Qt4.7.1 VS 2008- Compilation with hundreds of same warnings
I try to compile Qt 4.7.1 with qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1.zip for the target WinCE on a normal XP-Windows machine.
During the compilation of Javascriptcore and Webkit the following warnings are shown whenever the PassRefPtr.h-Header is used:C:\01_development\Qt\4.7.1-wince\src\3rdparty\webkit\JavaScriptCore\wtf/PassRefPtr.h(91) : warning C4396: "WTF::adoptRef": Der Inlinespezifizierer kann nicht verwendet werden, wenn
eine Friend-Deklaration auf die Spezialisierung einer Funktionsvorlage verweist.
.....Is there anybody who was able to compile the webkit-part without these and some other warnings?
I found some information (http://www.mail-archive.com/chromium-dev@googlegroups.com/msg00107.html)
about this warnings, but, although this infos are from Sept 2008 the actual version of the webkit-sources/headers is delivered without the mentioned changes.The dev-env is like that:
XP Professional, Visual Studio 2008 Professional
and for target Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2Thanks in advance , Michael