Running only on desktop
I am a developer that used to develop applications on Symbian devices using Qt 4.7.4
Today I've installed Qt 5.1 in order to develop my application on several platforms, but I cannot build my application on Symbian devices. When I create a new project the supported platform of all the applications is "Desktop".
Does it mean that I cannot build and run my application on Qt 5.1 for Symbian devices?Best Regards
Hi lalaso.
Welcome to DevNet.
Qt 5.1 can't build apps for symbian devices. Last Qt SDK which supports symbian devices you can find "here": . -
[quote author="lalaso" date="1373018020"]
Does it mean that I cannot build and run my application on Qt 5.1 for Symbian devices?
[/quote]Yes, Qt 5 is not supported on Symbian devices. If you want to develop anything for Symbian devices you should continue using to the official "Qt SDK that was provided by Nokia over a year ago":
[quote author="lalaso" date="1373019885"]What about Android, IOS and BB10?
I've installed the SDK, and the supported platform is only "Desktop".
What should I do to build apps for mobile devices?
Please note that "Desktop" is the indicator of the platform configuration you've configured in QtCreator's settings.
You will need to download (or compile) Qt for every platform you want to target and add a appropriate configuration to QtCreator.
Tools -> Build & Run -> Kits
also see
Tools -> Build & Run -> Qt Versions