Evaluate Variables in QtScript
I think you are looking for how to solve an equation using JavaScript - something very different from evaluating script, such as the QtScript engine does.
The problem you pose has more than one solution as well, as you can see here: "Wolfram Alpha":http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=c+=+a+++b+++15 (sorry you have to enter the equation again as this forum destroys it).
Some solutions for your equation would be
25 = 5 + 5 + 15
35 = 10 + 10 + 15and so on.
I do not have a real world example, but I try to explain it more global.
Let's assume I can get script-code in several ways (file, tcp, ...) and I want to execute this code in the script engine. Before executing the code I would like to get somehow a list of used variables.
The question is now, how to get the list of variables?