Big trouble!!!!Need help for set up Qt compiler!!!
Hi! I am learning QML from 3 weeks for devloping new ubuntu touch apps!!
I'v Qt 5.0.2 installed in My ubuntu bt I install it in windows too.
bt when creat new project like
Application>qt Quick 2 Application(built-in Elements)>Project name>Target there Desktop Qt 5.0.2 MSVC2010 32bit is in red mark!!
its showin I have no compiler installed
So what to do now ???
pls help :( -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
As the error is telling, install a compiler.
Since you downloaded the MSVC2010 edition, you have to install VisualStudio 2010.
Please, don't use so many exclamation marks
Note that you will need the ubuntu SDK preview for ubuntu phone development. AFAIK that is available for ubuntu only.
How does ubuntu relate to the MSVC version of Qt?