QRegExp wrong works
[quote author="bagipro" date="1370516249"]
I wanna skip string before first number and get all rest, but it dont work
[/quote]Does the following do what you want?
QRegExp rx("[.|\s](\d)");
rx.cap(1); //1234
@ -
It is also funny because it changes Some string to ome word without anything from you. ;)
then show the code please where you use the QRegExp ;)
butterface, oh yeah :D
i copy it from 2 resources: from program and from code. I will edit first postraven-worx, i write regex-tester
!http://clip2net.com/clip/m0/1370517856-clip-3kb.png(Picture)!So, i find a crutch
@[^\d]+(\d[^\n]+)@ -
if you want to test and validate your regexp, there is the regexp example in Qt's sources that will help you.