QGLBuilder and QGLSceneNode help
How do I use QGLBuilder and QGLSceneNode to add multiple objects to a scene? When I try the code below app expectedly quits...
QGLBuilder builder;
QGLSceneNode *node;
builder << QGL::Faceted;
builder << QGLSphere(2,4);
root = builder.finalizedSceneNode();
builder << QGLCube();
node = builder.finalizedSceneNode();
...after further reading the following produces a blank screen:
CubeView::CubeView(QWindow *parent)
: QGLView(parent)
// here a top level node for the app is created, and parented to the view
topNode = new QGLSceneNode(this);QGLBuilder b1; // build geometry b1 << QGL::Faceted; b1 << QGLSphere(2,4); thing = b1.finalizedSceneNode(); // does a QObject::setParent() to manage memory, and also adds to the scene // graph, so no need to call topNode->addNode(thing) thing->setParent(topNode); QGLBuilder b2; // build more geometry b2 << QGLCube(); anotherThing = b2.finalizedSceneNode(); // again parent on get addNode for free anotherThing->setParent(topNode);
} -
...working now, changed CubeView::paintGL to only draw child nodes for now...
void CubeView::paintGL(QGLPainter *painter)
painter->setFaceColor(QGL::AllFaces, QColor(170, 202, 0));painter->modelViewMatrix().rotate(45.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); thing->draw(painter); QMatrix4x4 mat; mat.translate( 2.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f); anotherThing->setLocalTransform(mat); anotherThing->draw(painter);