QAbstractVideoSurface vs QGraphicsVideoItem Performance as a viewfinder surface?
I was wondering what the difference between the two are, besides the obvious
QCamera can use either as a viewfindervoid setViewfinder(QGraphicsVideoItem * viewfinder)
I would suspect that the QGraphicsVideoItem inherently uses the scene graph.Where as the QAbstractVideoSurface would use the rasterizer.
void setViewfinder(QAbstractVideoSurface * surface)I am currently trying to optimize my camera pipeline.
I know that QQuickPaintedItem will allow faster rendering of the surface
if I use a FramebufferObject instead of a QImage.Anyways anyone know about this topic, I know it maybe unlikely but its worth a shot asking, thanks. Also let me know if there are any misconceptions in my understanding.
Okay turns out they are mutually exclusive from what I can tell from the class references because one doesn't actually give us access to frames.(GraphicsVideoItem) i am guessing with the GraphicsVideoItem path way I would not be able to use the QQuickPaintedItem ? I notice that GraphicsVideoItem has paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option, QWidget * widget = 0)