Qt Creator 2.7.1 (OS X 10.7.5) - Qt Quick Designer: qml2puppet crash (dyld: Library not loaded)
After installing Qt 5.0.2 on my Mac I run QML designer and I receive the following error :
The executable of the QML Puppet process (/Applications/Qt Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/qml2puppet.app/Contents/MacOS/qml2puppet) cannot be found. Check your installation. QML Puppet is a process which runs in the background to render the items.
You can build qml2puppet yourself with Qt 5.0.1 or higher. The source can be found in /Applications/Qt Creator.app/Contents/Resources/qml/qmlpuppet/qml2puppet/.
qml2puppet will be installed to the bin directory of your Qt version. Qt Quick Designer will check the bin directory of the currently active Qt version of your project.Can you help me
Coincidentally, there is a very similar active thread about that "here":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/27751/. You will find an explanation, a bug report and instructions on how to build qml2puppet yourself.