For 2nd time the website crashed!!!
Guys, I'm wondering why this happen here?!
I'm wondering why you still using CodeIgniter!!!
You can use better free open source instead such as Drupal & phpBB. Current forums are really stupid specially they haven't attachment feature such as many famous forums (ex. -
That there are no attachments was a requirement of the legal departmen AFAIR.
Because forums of other OS projects are not run by a company and hosted by another one maybe?
bq. Because forums of other OS projects are not run by a company and hosted by another one maybe?
Then why Qt project doesn't do the same?!
Qt project forums lost many visitors because of this missing feature (I noticed the number of other Qt forums increased during these two crashed) -
You have answered yourself - there already are other Qt communities. Qt Project forums are where they are due to historic reasons.
The fact that sometimes a crash occurs is not really a tragedy, now, is it?
mbnoimi: I understand your frustration, but in the end the person running the site has to decide which risks it is willing to take. This includes legal things as well as technologies (run with webserver X or Y, using webframework Z or A, etc.). If that person decides something is too risky, then it will not happen. IMHO that is perfectly fine.
Note that this site was developed by a group inside Nokia (I was not part of the group, I joined only during the beta-testing phase like many of the other mad scientists) and then made public. It never was run by a community and all major decisions were made by that group, most of them even before anybody knew there would be devnet (or a later). That is the history of this site and there is nothing anybody can do to change that.
What we can change is where we will go with this site: Since Digia took over there are efforts underway to turn this into a community-run site. We had discussions about that at the DevDays last year in Berlin and made some significant progress since then, but we are not there yet.
Finally: I think it is great that there are other sites and forums that have lively communities around Qt. Why should we be sad that they get more traffic when this site goes down?
Personally I always prefer to get all what I need form single place, I don't want to jump over many websites. has all needed resources for Qt developers which is not available in other websites (even the old Qt websites) for that crashing this website isn't lovely thing for Qt community.
In short, you can't gather a strong community without a stable infrastructure.
By the way,
Recently these forums not suffering from the crash too, they suffer from nasty error message during posting process as shown in this screenshot (it happened since 3 min ago):
! message)!
Oh, I am not saying that this site is perfect, it clearly is not. And I agree that we should change to a different engine, simply because the current one is closed source and thus we can not put the code of this site into a repository on gerrit.
All I wanted to do is give some background as to why it is in the state it is in. It is hard to change things without understanding their history to some extend.
Yes there are numerous discussions about it. Digia is actively trying to address this, and you can follow web mailing list to track progress. Or visit "this page": to see what was agreed up to now.
Just to make this clear: I can not speak for the web team running the site nor for Digia and even less so for Nokia.
Yes, I used to work for Nokia and I work for Digia now, but my involvement with this web site is purely as a user on my own spare time. I have no special knowledge about this site or where it is going: Everything I know is purely from using the site, following the public mailing list and the relevant, public IRC channels as well as speaking with the web team on public occasions like the Qt DevDays.