[Closed] Create printable document
I want to create a printable document. Are there any best practices to follow?
And can I find feature like .net's Crystal Reports from Qt?
Thanks in advance..
Please go through this "post":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/3008
you might benefit from reading the following threads on this forum:
"How to print(with the printer) a QML object ?":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/28229/
"Simple print report":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/24191
"Do we need cups for qt/embedded?":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/2669
"Render QGraphicsScene to a QPrinter to export PDF":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/15400All in all, take a look at "QPrint roadmap in Qt 5":http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-5-QtPrint and the "QtPrintSupport module":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtprintsupport/qtprintsupport-module.html itself.
I can recomend you:- "KDAB":http://www.kdab.com/kdab-products/ - i use it and i like it, but there are no Report designer for it.
- "OpenRPT":http://www.xtuple.com/openrpt - great tool
- "NCReport":http://www.nocisoft.com/ncreport.html - also great but commercial product
- "QtRPT":http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtrpt/ - looks promising
Also look at "qt-apps.org":http://qt-apps.org/index.php?xcontentmode=4240
@ Rahul Das, Alek Śmierciak, qxoz,
Thank you very much for your replies.. I'm going to use one of your recomendations.
But my superior ask me to use QPrinter and QPainter for complete my tasks.
Thanks again..