Qt5 deploy as an debian package, dependency libqt5core5 is not satisfiable
I'm trying to make an debian package of my application and im am constantly failing.
The build process works completly but when i try the application on another computer is says that my dependency libqt5core5 is not satisfiable.i thought this error occured because i didn't have libqt5core5 as a build-depend, but after adding that it is still failing.
my build-depends in debian/control looks like this:
@Build-depends: debhelper (>= 9), libgnome-keyring-dev, qt5-qmake, qtbase5-dev,libssl-dev, cdbs, qt5-default, libqt5core5 (>= 5.0.1)@Yes i have added almost everything i found available to get this working but it still doesn't.
might have something to do with that qt is using another ppa?I'm out of ideas, can someone help me fix this issue so every user doesn't have to get that dependency by their own.
Robin -
Did you solve this issue?
Please explain method, If you have idea. -
Debian packages have two sets of dependencies: One is used at build time (Build-depends) and the other is used when installing the package on another machine (Depends IIRC). This is due to the build usually needing more packages (all the -dev ones!) than are necessary to run the finished product.
Looks like you are setting a Qt5 dependency at build time (which is why the build works), but not require it for the final package to be installed.
I solved issue, please refer to http://blog.naver.com/hseok74/120193947673 .
I don't know, it is right methods. But it is work good.