ActiveQt server event not handle by IE8
From know it' seems that I can built a fully functional Activex server with activeQt but I can't handle event with IE8.
I have download the "Bouncer example" from Books "Blanchette - CPP GUI Programming with Qt 4 2ed" available on :
"github": - Blanchette - CPP GUI Programming with Qt 4 2ed/src/chap23/bouncer.
The bouncing event is not catch from the script in IE8 but it's logged into Qt ActiveX Control test container.@function AxBouncer::bouncing()
alert( "Bouncing again!");
@With the same technique, "The Microsoft Forms 2.0 ToggleButton" event click can be handle without any problem.
There is someone one which use Qt activeX serveur into IE8 ?I use Qt 4.8.4 msvc32 on Windows 7 64
This is a Qt bug, a IE8 incompatibility or it's me ?Thanks.
Just tested with Qt5.0.2 from "qt5-book-code / chap23 / bouncer /":
Same problem :-(