QProcess not exiting when invoked from a QThread
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I am trying to install a RPM using QProcess(/bin/rpm). This QProcess is running in a concurrent thread which was started by another QThread.
@QThread retThread = new CMyThread(this); connect(retThread, SIGNAL(finished()), retThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); retThread->start();@
For some reason the QProcess keeps on running and never exits. When I get the pid of the QProcess and check using the ps command, I dont' see any rpm command that is being executed. The standard out and standard error both are merged on to a single channel and logged on to a file.
The log indicates that the rpm command has finished the process of the installation.
The same behavior is not seen when I run the rpm installation using the QProcess on the main thread. Is this anything related to the event loop. If so how to check if the event loop exists . As per to my knowledge a thread should automatically create the event loop from QT 4.4 and above. I am using QT 4.8
I feel like the event loop exists, since I am getting other thread queued signals in this thread.
@QString ORIGINAL_LOG_FILE = "/var/Component.log";
int PROC_WAIT_TIME= 90000; QSharedPointer<QProcess> process(new QProcess); QString program = "/bin/rpm"; QStringList compArgs; compArgs << "-Uvh"<<"--nodeps"<<"some.rpm"; QStringList configEnvironmentVars = process->systemEnvironment(); process->setEnvironment(configEnvironmentVars); process->setWorkingDirectory("/tmp/something"); connect(process.data() , SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),this,SLOT(slot_finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) ); // process->setWorkingDirectory(); process->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process->setStandardOutputFile(ORIGINAL_LOG_FILE, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text); process->start(program, compArgs); if (process->waitForStarted()) { LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile,QString("Waiting for the process to finish")); do { LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile, QString("pid = %1").arg((uint)process->pid())); LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile , QString("Error = %1").arg(process->error())); LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile,QString("Envirnoment variables = %1").arg(configEnvironmentVars.join("\n"))); LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile,QString("Working directory = %1").arg(process->workingDirectory())); LOGINFO(m_nodeLogFile,QString("State = %1").arg(process->state())); }while(!process->waitForFinished(100));@
First of all: looks like your Thread construction is wrong. Read this: "How To Really, Truly Use QThreads; The Full Explanation":http://mayaposch.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-really-truly-use-qthreads-the-full-explanation/
And why are you waiting for process finishing in a loop? Using signal/slots are better approach....