Create F1 key in tooltip (similar to qtcreator)
I have been searching for the past few days but I cannot figure out on how to do it. I would like to do reproduce a behavior similar to the newest qtcreator where a F1 hint is shown in tooltip and allows you to show full help in a context sensitive manner by pressing F1 while the tooltip is displayed.
Has anyone tried yet to get the same tooltip feature in their programs?
Rno -
I haven't done it in action but this might give you some hint
Implement "hoverEvent" on your editor
Look for the word below the mouse (e.g. QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor is a possible way)
You should have some "keywords" to check if it points to a specific "help/tooltip" (it is up to you to implement)
Implement "keyPressEvent" and wait for "Qt::Key_F1"
The rest is up to you...
Nope, it is supported by "QTextEdit":, etc. (AFAIK, all Qt classes that were designed to edit texts support this)