[solved] Unable to deploy Qt Quick 2 application on Mac OS X 10.8.2
Hello guys!
I have problems during Qt Quick 2 application deployment on Mac OS X 10.8.2 (using macdeployqt). I created test Qt Quick 2 project and as result I have bundle. When I'm trying to deploy my app using macdeployqt it breaks my app and I'm not able to run it. It says:
module "QtQuick" version 2.0 is not installed
import QtQuick 2.0
^I tried solution from : "git":https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,48714 but it doesn't work. Also there is bug in "bugtracker":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-29495 but it's not closed yet.
Did you try to deploy your Qt Quick 2 application on Mac OS using macdeployqt? Can anyone help? Thank you.
Please try the new, updated deploy tool made by Ivan: "link":https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,47906.
Thank you for your reply sierdzio.
I tried Ivan's solution too, but still macdeployqt breaks my app. I don't know why it happens, because all Frameworks, plugins etc were copied. I tried manually copy plugins to app but no progress.
Any help is appreciated.
Run macdeployqt with highest level of verbosity. This tool does not bail out on errors, you can only be sure everything worked well if you read the log.
Tried macdeployqt with verbose=3 still not able to figure out what is the problem. Here is log using otool -L of my test.app
Before macdeployqt:
/Users/maximmakhun/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/lib/QtQuick.framework/Versions/5/QtQuick (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/Users/maximmakhun/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/lib/QtQml.framework/Versions/5/QtQml (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/Users/maximmakhun/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/lib/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/QtNetwork (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/Users/maximmakhun/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/Users/maximmakhun/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/clang_64/lib/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 56.0.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 169.3.0)@After macdeployqt:
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtQuick.framework/Versions/5/QtQuick (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtQml.framework/Versions/5/QtQml (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/QtNetwork (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.1)
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 56.0.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 169.3.0)@Maybe you're able to see what are the problems here.
Nope, that does not help. I'm sure I've seen a solution to this somewhere, but I don't remember what it was. You can try pinging chrisadams I think he's quite fluent in that stuff.
Thanks a lot sierdzio. I'll ask him. If there is any progress with this issue I'll post solution here.
Unfortunately, I know nothing about Mac or this deployment tool. Thiago mentioned on IRC that from the logs it looks like it's unable to find the QtQuick plugin (the QML import plugin) even though it's finding the QtQuick library (the library is what is shown in the logs).
The plugin src is from qtdeclarative/src/imports/qtquick2
It's installed to the QML2 plugins directory (which can be specified via QML2_IMPORT_PATHI don't know where that tool looks for the plugins, but the default install location is something like QT5DIR/qml/QtQuick.2 (or maybe QT5DIR/plugins/qml/QtQuick.2 I can't remember - oops).
Chris. -
Thank you for your reply Chris. I'll try to manually copy all needed plugins and libs.
This is working solution for deploying QML applications on MAC OS X: https://github.com/MaximAlien/macdeployqtfixed.git
Hope it helps you guys.
Did you test code I provided? I tried deploying it for Qt 5.1 only once and there were some issues with paths. I'll try it more this evening.
If I manage to deploy it correctly I'll write here.
Max. -
I'm testing it know, there is issue with a path, but I'm applying work around I described "here":http://stackoverflow.com/a/17591828/2370437
If I will manage to deploy, I will post here
Does not work for me.
macdeployqt MyApp.app/ -qmldir=../src/qml/
dynamic links information is changes inside executable and QtQuick modules were copied into the app bundle, near executable. But still getting an error:
main.qml:1 module "QtQuick" is not installed
Maybe it is connected with QML_IMPORT_PATH variable, or we need to specify somehow where application can find QtQuick modules
"Try this":https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,47906.
You suggested this hint sierdzio, thanks.
I tried it a couple of months ago and it doesn't work for me, even more it was updated Mar 19, 2013 9:43 AM, before Qt 5.1 release.
Max. -
Yeah, not sure why Ivan suddenly went silent on this.
miks131 you can try setting QML2_IMPORT_PATH in application pro file, this may help.
I'm using CMake ( have a lot of different components)
Made a quick check.
Tried to add a link to the directory which contains QtQuick and QtQuick.2 folders after deploy.@engine.addImportPath( QLatin1String("/Users/username/Projects/MyApp/bin/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/") );@
Does not work, the same result if I specify two path to QtQuick and QtQuick.2 folders
Path is correct for QML plugins.
Did you try copying all frameworks and plugins manually?