Broken DBus in Qt 5.0.1
I've build 5.0.0 with many problems. All these problems seems to be fixed in 5.0.1. Specially webkit compiles with no need to apply any patch, or trick; which is very pleasant. Unfortunately in the new release DBus seems broken. I've compiled 5.0.0 with a DBus-enables config, same config in 5.0.1 fails to compile DBus module.
Have anyone similar problem? I may miss something, if not I'm going to report a bug.
OS: Windows 7 x86_64
Compiler: MinGW (x86_64 - posix - sjlj from mingwbuild project - revision 10)Config:
configure -debug-and-release -opensource -no-c++11 -shared -no-ltcg -nomake examples -nomake tests -accessibility -qt-sql-mysql -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-odbc -opengl desktop -iconv -inotify -fontconfig -system-proxies -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -icu -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -no-angle -plugin-manifests -qmake -rtti -strip -sse2 -sse3 -sse4.1 -sse4.2 -avx -avx2 -openssl -dbus-linked -audio-backend -native-gestures -posix-ipc -prefix E:\qt_5.0.0-x86