Qt Animation
I am pretty new to QT. I am trying to construct an animation sequence, where the animations start at different times and have different durations. I looked at (http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.7/animation-overview.html), and in QAnimationGroup, QSequentialAnimationGroup, or QParallelAnimationGroup I did not see a way to start animations at a certain time. Here is an example:
Animation 1 - duration 1000ms, Start Time: 0
Animation 2 - duration 500ms, Start Time, 1000
Animation 3 - duration 10000ms, StartTime, 200msHow can I nest these into a timeline and set it to start and it will play all of them?
Hopefully this all makes sense.
You could use a QParallelAnimationGroup which holds 3 QSequentialAnimationGroup animations, each of which holds a QPauseAnimation (if needed) followed by your Animation[1,2,3].
That is to say:
Animation1 (1000ms, starts immediately)
QPauseAnimation (pauses 1000 ms)
Animation2 (runs 500ms)
QPauseAnimation (pauses 200ms)
Animation3 (runs 10000ms)