RTSP using QtMultimedia
I am creating a Qt application for decoding and viewing H.264-encoded RTSP streams. After browsing the web a bit, it seems like Phonon is capable of handling this. I am using Qt5, which seems to have replaced Phonon with QtMultimedia.
When I create a simple test application, I am unable to view my RTSP stream. The application amounts to this:
video_widget = new QVideoWidget(this);
media_player = new QMediaPlayer(this);
QString rtsp_url = QString("rtsp://12.34.567.890:8554/test");
@Does QtMultimedia support RTSP streams? Substituting the RTSP URL with a file on my desktop will play the local file correctly, which leads me to believe that the above code is sound.
Thank you
Hey, I´m having the same problem, I want to view my RTSP stream, but I cant view it. Have you solved this trouble?
This is my email: fbernaly@gmail.com