Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
I've been through 20 subject about this error, but I didn't figure how to fix it
-I'm using Qt 5.0.1, Qtcreatro 2.6.2 - with visual studio 2010 on windows 7 64bit
Here is my code
the .pro file
@#-------------------------------------------------Project created by QtCreator 2013-02-02T23:22:32
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = first
SOURCES += main.cpp
display.cppHEADERS += mycalculator.h
display.hOTHER_FILES +=
@*The .h file *
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include "display.h"
class MyCalculator : public QWidget
MyCalculator(QWidget *parent = 0);
//QSize sizeHint() const;
Display *mydisplay;
enum{digitArrayIndex = 10};
QPushButton *digitButtons[digitArrayIndex];
QPushButton *addButton,*subButton,*mulButton,*divButton;
//there is 6 functions for now
QPushButton *sinButton,*cosButton,*tanButton;
QPushButton *powerButton,*sqrtButton,*lnButton;
QPushButton *equalButton,*pointButton,*clearButton,*delButton,*ansButton;
private slots:
void digitClicked();
void operationClicked();
void functionClicked();
void equalClicked();
void pointClicked();
void clearClicked();
void delClicked();
void ansClicked();
private: //functions
QPushButton *createButton(const QString &text, const char *buttonSlot);
#endif // MYCALCULATOR_H@*The .cpp file *
@#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include "mycalculator.h"
#include "display.h"
MyCalculator::MyCalculator(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QGridLayout *myBasicGrid = new QGridLayout(this);
mydisplay = new Display;
//Implement operation buttons
addButton = createButton("+",SLOT(operationClicked()));
subButton = createButton("-",SLOT(operationClicked()));
mulButton = createButton("\303\227",SLOT(operationClicked()));
divButton = createButton("\303\267",SLOT(operationClicked()));
//Implement function buttons
sinButton = createButton("sin",SLOT(functionClicked()));
cosButton = createButton("cos",SLOT(functionClicked()));
tanButton = createButton("tan",SLOT(functionClicked()));
powerButton = createButton("x\302\262",SLOT(functionClicked()));
sqrtButton = createButton("\342\210\232",SLOT(functionClicked()));
lnButton = createButton("ln",SLOT(functionClicked()));
//The rest of the buttons
equalButton = createButton("=",SLOT(equalClicked()));
pointButton = createButton(".",SLOT(pointClicked()));
ansButton = createButton("Ans",SLOT(ansClicked()));
delButton = createButton("DEL",SLOT(delClicked()));
clearButton = createButton("AC",SLOT(clearClicked()));
//The digit buttons
digitButtons[0] = createButton("0",SLOT(digitClicked()));
for(int i = 1; i<digitArrayIndex; i++){
digitButtons[i] = createButton(QString::number(i),SLOT(digitClicked()));
int row = ((9 - i) / 3) + 2;
int column = ((i - 1) % 3);
myBasicGrid->addWidget(digitButtons[i],row,column); //Adding the digit buttons to the grid
}//layout the display and the rest of the buttons //myBasicGrid->addWidget(mydisplay,0,0,1,5); myBasicGrid->addWidget(digitButtons[0],5,0); myBasicGrid->addWidget(sinButton,1,0); myBasicGrid->addWidget(cosButton,1,1); myBasicGrid->addWidget(tanButton,1,2); myBasicGrid->addWidget(powerButton,1,3); myBasicGrid->addWidget(sqrtButton,1,4); myBasicGrid->addWidget(delButton,2,3); myBasicGrid->addWidget(clearButton,2,4); myBasicGrid->addWidget(mulButton,3,3); myBasicGrid->addWidget(divButton,3,4); myBasicGrid->addWidget(addButton,4,3); myBasicGrid->addWidget(subButton,4,4); myBasicGrid->addWidget(pointButton,5,1); myBasicGrid->addWidget(lnButton,5,2); myBasicGrid->addWidget(ansButton,5,3); myBasicGrid->addWidget(equalButton,5,4);
//Slots implemetation
void MyCalculator::digitClicked()
void MyCalculator::operationClicked()
void MyCalculator::functionClicked()
void MyCalculator::equalClicked()
void MyCalculator::pointClicked()
}void MyCalculator::clearClicked()
void MyCalculator::delClicked()
void MyCalculator::ansClicked()
//functions implimintation
QPushButton *MyCalculator::createButton(const QString &text, const char *buttonSlot){
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(text);
connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, buttonSlot);
return button;
}@*and the display.h *file // another class I created and Inherited form QTextEdit
@#ifndef DISPLAY_H
#define DISPLAY_H#include <QTextEdit>
class Display : public QTextEdit
explicit Display(QWidget *parent = 0);
#endif // DISPLAY_H@*the display.cpp file *
@#include "display.h"
Display::Display(QWidget *parent) :
}@And here is the error
@ : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Display::Display(class QWidget *)" (??0Display@@QAE@PAVQWidget@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall MyCalculator::MyCalculator(class QWidget *)" (??0MyCalculator@@QAE@PAVQWidget@@@Z)
debug\first.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
jom: C:\Users\FBM\Desktop\Calculator\first-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MSVC2010_32bit-debug\Makefile.Debug [debug\first.exe] Error 1120@
When I comment the code in line 13 of the .cpp file the program works fine.
Any help plz -
You should include QFont:
@#include <QFont>@
In addition, in the .cpp file I cannot see when you create the "display" object:
/QFont displayFont = display->font();
displayFont.setPointSize(displayFont.pointSize() + 4);
//Implement operation buttons@ -
[quote author="b1gsnak3" date="1360246401"]Well... I don't see the #include <QWidget> anywhere in your headers[/quote]
This won't be required as it's part of the inheritance chain.
I have tried to compile your program and it runs well for me. May be you could re-generate the Makefile and then clean project and re-compile again?
When I had these problems I had some methods declared but not implemented. Can ensure yourself that all the code posted is that you have?
We will solve this issue!
What usually works for me is to through away the entire build directory that Qt creates when debugging or running a program. This will remove all files generated by QMake (also your ui files). Then rebuild the program. Problem might be fixed then.
greetz -
[quote author="utcenter" date="1360368863"]I often get such errors, 99.99% of the time it is solved by clicking "clean all" then "run qmake" then "rebuild all".[/quote]
The 0.01% remaining could be missing the name space in the .cpp file. For example:
You define a function in your class header (MyClass.h) :
@ int myFunction(int a, int b);@
But in the MyClass.cpp you miss the namespace:
@int myFunction(int a, int b){
// ...
}@instead of
@int Class::myFunction(int a, int b){
// ...
}@When calling that "myFunction" in your code, the error appears.