Error build simple projeto com QT 5.0.1 MINGW
1-QTSDK 5.0.1 installed.
2-installed MinGW using mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe.
Includes 3-in PATH c: \ C: \ MinGW \ bin, C: \ qt \ Qt5.0.1 \ 5.0.1 \ mingw47_32 \ bin
3-Create new project GUI.
4-I build and run and not run the program.
5-untitled.exe called manually, I received the error:Error:
Could not locate the entry point of the procedure in _gxx_personality_v0 blibioteca dynamic link "libstdc + +-6.dll"
It might be better to use the installed MinGW compiler that is installed with the QtSDK. The development of MinGW causes minor changes in the produced output files which might cause problems when using the QtSKD MinGW compiled Qt5.0.1 with a newer MinGW compiler. You do not need to install the MinGW manually!
Greetz -
This is the same as what I am seeing. I cannot build ANY example in the Qt5.0.1 MinGW distribution. Using QtCreator and the supplied MinGW toolchain, all examples fail to run after being built. I cannot even put a break point in the first line of the main because it fails before it gets there.
I am running win7 64bit
Using Qt5.0.1-mingw
Using QtCreator 2.6.2 that is in the tools path
Using the mingw toolchain in the tools path
Running from QtCreator.The error is too cryptic to know what it means:
Starting D:\Qt\5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\examples\opengl\cube-build-Desktop_MinGW_4_7_32bit-Debug\debug\cube.exe...
The program has unexpectedly finished.
D:\Qt\5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\examples\opengl\cube-build-Desktop_MinGW_4_7_32bit-Debug\debug\cube.exe exited with code -1073741511
Cannot retrieve debugging output. -
DFileccia: same problem here. Very clueless now
You need to set the path environment variable to your mingw installation folder.
Solution at this topic: -
to environment variables. It works! Thanks!! :D