QtDesktop and workspace switch under GNOME
I am using QtDesktop components with Qt 4.8.
I have 2 qml files written as follows
@import QtQuick 1.1
import QtDesktop 0.1ApplicationWindow {
id: toto
width: 200
height: 200
visible : trueText { id: text anchors.fill: parent text: "toto" }
Tutu {
}@and Tutu.qml
@import QtQuick 1.1
import QtDesktop 0.1ApplicationWindow {
id: tutu
width: 200
height: 200
visible : trueText { id: text anchors.fill: parent text: "tutu" }
@The goal is to have 2 independent windows managed by the same process, running qmldesktopviewer Toto.qml works fine.
But when I switch workspace and then back to the original workspace, I have only 1 window displayed.Using xwininfo, I can see that the other window is in 'UnmappedState'.
Debugging qapplication_x11.cpp, I can see that- when switching wspace 1 to 2, there are 2 UnmapNotify events , one for each window
- when switching from wspace 2 to 1, there only 1 MapNotify event, for firstly created window Toto
I do not understand why only one MapNotify event is generated when switching back.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?Any hint very wellcome.