[SOLVED] Help with converting old date to current date
Hey everybody!
I have a set of numbers which represent the date and time in milliseconds. I'm converting them to human understandable form by using
int time_in_msecs = 1350891180000;
QDateTime timestamp;
qDebug() << timestamp.toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate);
@I get the output as Monday, 22 October, 2012 1:03:00 PM . What I want to do is, each time I run my application, I want the date to be the current date. Time can remain the same.
So even if it is Monday, 22 October, 2012 1:03:00 PM , I want it to be converted to Tuesday, 29 January, 2013 1:03:00 PM
Any ideas on how I can do this?