Qt Creator 2.6.1 for Mac (Intel 32/64bit) looks to be a X64-only binary
I realise probably no one else has noticed this, but while I was repurposing a CoreDuo-based MacBook (with 10.6.8 natch) I found that couldn't run the pre-built Qt Creator bundle. I get the "architecture not supported" message and a struck-through app icon.
Without wanting to sound snotty, the desc: "Qt Creator 2.6.1 for Mac (Intel 32/64bit) (51 MB)" is not accurate.
An oversight? Probably. Are build verification tests difficult to automate? Not really. OK, that was a bit snotty. Sorry about that.
I'm going to try building Qt Creator from source, unless anyone has a magical way of transforming this MacBook's CPU into a Core2Duo.
Could you please "file a bug report":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/ so that the responsible developers actually see this?
Just did that, thanks.
Small update, when building Qt Creator from source, it was immediately obvious that all the Qt tools (moc, uic etc) have also been built X64-only. So essentially the Qt SDK doesn't work with 10.6.x/CoreDuo Macs any more.
Linux/CoreDuo Macs are still fine though.
I looks like the Qt 4.8 has unofficially deprecated OSX 10.6.8 x86.
Does this bother anyone else?
I've just been told to do my own 32-bit compile of everything, even though I've already pointed out that that wasn't possible.
Is it me? :-/