Missing Pyside Documentation page
I'm watching a series of tutorials on Python/Qt/PySide on YouTube by Deusdies2. He shows the PySide 1.1.0 documentation online at www.pyside.org/docs. That url got redirected to here at http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide with the selection Pyside class reference redirected to http://srinikom.github.com/pyside-docs/ . That location shows 1.0.7 docs.
What's going on? Is PySide going to stay in qt-project.org or is it going back to www.pyside.org. Or is everything still in limbo.
I just updated the PySide wiki page with the 1.1.0 links: http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide
Note:All the lines that start with line numbers in Qt documentation for C++ are missing in The PySide class reference documentation.
here is an example :
https://deptinfo-ensip.univ-poitiers.fr/ENS/pyside-docs/PySide/QtGui/QMessageBox.html?highlight=qmessagebox.about#PySide.QtGui.PySide.QtGui.QMessageBox.aboutwhere is the four locations ???