Objects of typedef'ed types cannot be autocompleted?
Is there a reason that objects of typedef'ed types cannot be autocompleted? For example:
@#include <iostream>
struct MyClass
void TestFunction(){}
};int main (int , char *[])
MyClass myClass;
myClass.TestFunction();MyClass* myClass2 = new MyClass;
myClass2->TestFunction();typedef MyClass MyClassType;
MyClassType myClass3;
// myClass3. // no autocomplete list producedreturn 0;
@Here "myClass." produces the auto complete list, "myClass2->" produces the auto complete list, but "myClass3." does NOT produce the autocomplete list.
Can anyone explain that?
That is just how it is :D QtCreator's engine is getting better all the time, though, so I would expect it to work some time in the future (I'm not sure, actually, but it might have worked in the past).
You could compile QtC from the experimental clang branch, maybe it works there.
And an immediate +1 from me :D