Creating QFont for a very specific font family/style pair
I am subclassing QGraphicsTextItem, and am trying to set its font.
I am writing this app for myself only, and have a very particular font I wish to use:
Futura Condensed ExtraBold, which is on my system.
I have created a QFontDatabase to look at how Qt registers my fonts. 'Futura' is what is listed under families. When I run:
one of the return values is:
PyQt4.QtCore.QString(u'Condensed ExtraBold')
I just can't for the life of me figure out how to set the exact 'style' of a QFont. I see how to set it generically to bold, or to a certain weight, but in this case, that style, Condensed ExtraBold, is a totally different looking font than say, Bold Oblique, Condensed Light Oblique, etc, which are all styles of Futura.
I only seem to be able to figure out how to hint at the style I might want. How can I explicitly use Futura Condensed ExtraBold?
I should add, I've tried QFont("Futura Condensed ExtraBold"), and Qt defaults to some bogus font that is certainly not Futura Condensed ExtraBold.
I found a solution.
I moved the specific .ttf I wanted to a resources directory in my app so it would be bundled with it in the future. I then used:
Once I had done so, I was actually not able to do this:
but I could simple do
and the style it would find was ExtraBold