QtMediaHub on Ubuntu 11.04 / Natty
Hope someone can help me figure out this bit. I'd download the code for QtMediaHub and with very little difficultly got it to compile. I'm having a hassle when I run it though
@$ ./qtmediahub-launcher
Using the application specified dejavu font
Available skins: "orca,delphin,rapid,matinee,confluence,minimal,shroomfluence"
Attempting to use: "confluence" skin
Streaming server listening "" on 1337
Could not load keymap: "/home/andries/src/git/qtmediahub/qtmediahub-core/hub/bin/../keymaps//stdkeyboard"
Try to load keymap "stdkeyboard" from keymap path "/home/andries/src/git/qtmediahub/qtmediahub-core/hub/bin/..//share/qtmediahub/keymaps/"
Using keymap "/home/andries/src/git/qtmediahub/qtmediahub-core/hub/bin/..//share/qtmediahub/keymaps//stdkeyboard"
file:///home/andries/src/git/qtmediahub/skins//confluence/r720/main.qml:39:1: module "QtQuick" version 1.1 is not installed
import QtQuick 1.1
Abandoning skin due to errors; time to fallback baby
@I'm not sure the keyboard thing is anything to sweat about too much, but not finding QtQuick is the puzzling bit. I can't figure out what package(s) I'm missing that contain QtQuick...searching the Ubuntu package archive didn't bring any enlightenment either. I'm guessing QtQuick should be in /usr/lib/qt4/imports . I'd hoped it was part of libqt4-declarative, but no such luck.
Any help much appreciated,
Andries -
The "QtQuick" QML import is provided by libqtdeclarative in Qt4. Note that version 1.1 of the import is provided in Qt 4.7.3 (I believe?) so if you have an earlier version of Qt installed, you will only have QtQuick 1.0.
Thanks for that pointer. I suspect the newer Qt will also provide "QtDesktop 0.1" which seems to be missing in action as well. A quick check shows:
@$ sudo dpkg --listfiles libqt4-declarative
/usr/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4@It seems I'm going to have to upgrade my Ubuntu and/or find a PPA with more recent bits.